Our Services
Partners for Pediatric Vision offers free education and support services in English and Spanish to families of children birth to 18 years of age thanks to individual, foundation and corporate donations and grants.
Our Programs
Early Childhood
(ages 0-5)

Early Childhood services focus on early intervention activities to enhance play, learning and socialization by phone, Zoom, in coordination with other providers, and in person during vision exams. Parent education is provided to help families understand how vision loss impacts their child's development and how to create unique learning opportunities in everyday experiences. The critical early childhood partnerships with our Child & Family Vision Specialists offer emotional support and help our youngest children meet developmental milestones while ensuring healthy vision.
Youth Development (ages 6-13)

Youth Development Services for school age children and their families include education, resources, and support to help them achieve learning success and independence while promoting social skills and self-confidence. Child & Family Vision Specialists help parents understand the types of visual information their child might be missing and how they can benefit from services that maximize their current level of sight, as well as strategies that accommodate for sight loss. Parents receive education about resources available to their child at school and in the community and help obtaining beneficial low vision devices, medical care, and specialized services. Family events create opportunities for our youth to share experiences together and build friendships.
Teens in Transition (ages 14-18)

Child & Family Vision Specialists provide support in building stronger social, academic, and daily living skills for our teens and guidance to families on meaningful ways to encourage independent living skills that will support their teen's transition to adulthood. Teens in Transition services address the importance of self-advocacy as a visually impaired young adult and provide opportunities to meet visually impaired peers and mentors. Our Child & Family Vision Specialists work together with parents and professionals to obtain the necessary low vision devices essential for success and independence. Care coordination includes connecting teens and their parents to local and state resources for college and work preparation or supported living options.
Community Training & Outreach

Partners for Pediatric Vision provides training on vision impairment, low vision education, resources, and support both in person and virtually for public and private schools and organizations. Our goal is to increase public awareness of the importance of identifying and referring children who need vision care to medical, education and social service providers. Partners for Pediatric Vision dedicates hundreds of hours of outreach services to communities to strengthen collaboration and systems of support for children and families.